الجمعة، 1 نوفمبر 2019

.Syria , سوريا Again and again, the criminal Kurdish racist militias kill a woman and her child and then burn the place while shouting Kurdish slogans against the Arabs.

.Syria , سوريا
Again and again, the criminal Kurdish racist militias kill a woman and her child and then burn the place while shouting Kurdish slogans against the Arabs.
. لعنة الله على المجرمين.
عالم عنصري ومنافق .
Racist hypocrite world
#world #Politics
#سوريا #syria
 #syrianrefugees #assadcrimes #putincrimes #Usa
#irancrime #Book
#caricature #france #policy #türkiye #palestine

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The Syrian people won their freedom and triumphed over tyrants and conspirators. Free Syria✌️💚

💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 🤍❤الله❤أكبر❤🤍 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Tell every oppressor,tyrant and occupier,you are creating generations,perhaps some...