الاثنين، 12 أغسطس 2019

اطماع الميليشيات والعصابات والأحزاب الكردية في احتلال افضل واخصب واغنى اراضي من اربع دول في الشرق الاوسط اولها من سوريا.

#syria #سوريا #türkiye
Very important: some friends do not know all the reasons for wars in the Middle East and Syria. One of the most important reasons is the Kurds' greed. Some ask why the Kurds are coming to Europe and talking about being oppressed by Turkey and the people of the Arab region! Some believe that without searching and asking about the truth. This map, which I brought to you in English and Arabic, is from the accounts of the Kurds. It illustrates the project that the Kurds are trying to use through weapons and plots to achieve it in any way for many years. Is the occupation of the best areas containing the best natural resources. Water. oil. etc. And took these areas of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran and then the establishment of a state after the displacement of the Arabs and its main people! ! If this succeeds, it will make countries such as Syria very poor, and they will be a frank occupation. And the Kurds for many years by carrying out suicide and military operations against the Turkish army and against the revolutionaries in Syria are currently trying to reach this goal and this made them harmful to all the peoples of the region there. They always try to tarnish Turkey's image for that.
اطماع الميليشيات والعصابات والأحزاب  الكردية  في احتلال افضل واخصب واغنى اراضي من اربع دول في الشرق الاوسط اولها من سوريا.

#world  #Politics
#سوريا #syria
#جاسوس_من_أجل_لا_أحد  #syrianrefugees  #assadcrimes  #putincrimes  #Usa
#irancrime #Book
#caricature  #france
 #policy  #türkiye  #palestine #art

#world  #Politics
#سوريا #syria
#جاسوس_من_أجل_لا_أحد  #syrianrefugees  #assadcrimes  #putincrimes  #Usa
#irancrime #Book
#caricature  #france
 #policy  #türkiye  #palestine #art

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The Syrian people won their freedom and triumphed over tyrants and conspirators. Free Syria✌️💚

💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 🤍❤الله❤أكبر❤🤍 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Tell every oppressor,tyrant and occupier,you are creating generations,perhaps some...