الاثنين، 8 يناير 2018

Damascus countryside and Idlib, are literally burned, including families, children and innocents, by bombing them by the Assad regime, Russia and Iran. The world is silent as usual !!!


Damascus countryside and Idlib, are literally burned, including families, children and innocents, by bombing them by the Assad regime, Russia and Iran. The world is silent as usual !!!
 I hope that the curse of God will be solved on the oppressors.
ريف دمشق و إدلب ، يتم حرقهم حرفيا بمن فيهم من العائلات والاطفال والابرياء ، عن طريق قصفهم من قبل نظام الأسد وروسيا وايران.والعالم يكتفي بالصمت كالعادة!!!.
اتمنى ان تحل لعنة الله على الظالمين.

☝👆☝ ...................................................
......... The chemical criminal Assad, the murderer of the children of Syria: He is the one who killed and displaced and looted millions, but still remains in place !!!
.. A world without law !!! 👎👎👎 👎👎👎
اللهم دمر الظالمين بالظالمين
The survival of Bashar AL ASSAD the Chemical Assassin in Syria is  shameful for the world.
وجود بشار المجرم الكيماوي في سوريا وبدون عقاب على جرائمه حتى الان هو  عار و أمر مخزي لكل العالم .

#syria  #syrianrefugees  #assadcrimes #سوري  #سوريا_حرة  #putincrimes  #Usa #Basel_sannib
#germany #dubai
#trumpmemes  #save_rohingya
#دبي #بشار_الاسد_حيوان  #باسل_صنيب
#irancrimes #Book
#caricature  #france
#policy  #türkiye
#chemicalcrimes  #jurasalemiscapitalofpalestine


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The Syrian people won their freedom and triumphed over tyrants and conspirators. Free Syria✌️💚

💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 🤍❤الله❤أكبر❤🤍 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Tell every oppressor,tyrant and occupier,you are creating generations,perhaps some...